Drinks for Opera Picnics and Festivals!

Drinks for Opera Picnics and Festivals!

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 06 26 2023

Looking for an elegant alcohol free beverage for an Opera-Fest picnic, outdoor classical concert or any summer event? Here are two ideas. Great for when you want a tasty drink that is special but don't want to worry about alcohol when driving, etc... plus you won't fall asleep during the performance.

Personally, I also enjoy them when puttering around in the garden on a weekend... special and refreshing but don't make you sleepy, so you can keep puttering.

Each makes a pitcher or you can make them individually, like a mixed drink mixing half wine and half club soda or sparkling water in a glass. Chill the ingredients so you won't dilute it further with ice. (I invented these on the fly for some guests that aren't big drinkers). Alcohol free wines tend to be on the sweeter side so this pairs nicely with the fruit. If you decide to go ahead and use regular wine, choose a sweeter variety.

Generally I go for dry wines but for this sweet really works and is very refreshing!

These are simple and what I'd call barely recipies because when its hot in summer easy's what you want.

Virgin Strawberry Chardonnay Spritzer

1 bottle Sutter Home Fre Alcohol removed Chardonnay
1 Liter Club Soda
Sliced Strawberries to taste

There is really something special about this wine pairing perfectly with strawberries! If you cant find it choose a sweet white, not a dry chardonnay.

Virgin Raspberry Merlot Sangria

1 bottle Sutter Home Fre Alcohol removed Merlot
1 Liter Club Soda
1 bag frozen Raspberries (individually frozen- not in syrup)

Tossing in the frozen fruit keeps this extra cold! If you have fresh black berries or raspberries they will be great in this too though.
