

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 10 08 2019

You probably heard that some music from Puccini’s Fanciulla del West was “borrowed” for the song “Music of the Night” in Andrew Lloyd Weber’s Phantom of the Opera.

But Puccini himself was a borrower!

The music of Turandot is majestic and romantic. Running through it, both as a delicate chorus and then as her royal anthem, is Turandot’s personal theme. It is based upon the Chinese Folk Song “Moo Li Hua”- the Jasmine Flower Song.

Have a listen- there’s no mistaking it. 

As someone whose work is based on alot of other peoples work, I'd say borrowing can be enriching (as long as it's in the public domain and not copyright protected- Like Turandot!)

Click here to explore my Turandot Collection