Everyday bubbly

Everyday bubbly

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 05 30 2019

I’m taking a moment to celebrate the bubbly!

No one in my family likes champagne or sparkling wines. They don’t like opera either. On both fronts they “don’t get it”.

I started out liking dryer varieties like “brut” but then I discovered prosecco- the angels sang. If you think you don’t like champagne try prosecco – it’s so lovely crisp and smooth without being sweet like Asti Spumante.

Opera and bubbly have always been connected. There’s a perception that they are among the “the finer things”. Maybe they are both thought of as being for rich people. But this isn’t true, you can find affordable bubbly and you don’t have to be rich to love opera. There’s always some free or more easily accessible opera available even if its online.

Everyday Bubbly

Then there is this idea that you save bubbly for a special occasion. Life is too short to save things for special. Shorter than we know. Every small victory and time you get together with loved ones is a reason for bubbly.Rather than thinking of it as being only for a special occasion, I think of it as making any day special.

Once I realized that there would be no special champagne moments coming my way... no kids’ graduations or weddings, I decided that I would order bubbly whenever I could. Generally the types they serve by the glass or split in restaurants don’t cost much, if anything, more than regular wine- this fact was an eye opener!

Bubbly without Alcohol

Ok so maybe you don’t drink or are in a situation where drinking is not appropriate. In this case I suggest sparkling water. It also makes moments special. I think of it as celebratory and love to use fruit or fruit juice with it. Not drinking doesn’t mean that you can’t have special bubbly moments. Get creative!

Unless you like really sweet drinks I don’t suggest any of that sparking grape juice or other champagne substitutes.

Some Bubbly Moments

Hope you will enjoy these champagne related clips from YouTube

The Champagne Aria from Don Giovanni

Champagne Valkyries

Gigi- The Night They Invented Champagne

Die Fledermaus- In the Firestorm of the Grape

Click here to check out the Champagne Waltz Bracelet