Finding the value

Finding the value

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 12 02 2016

I’ve been thinking a lot about what things are worth, their value.

Example: For the longest time I resisted using I didn’t like how you have to pay a fee every month. We don’t have very many shipments in summer and it seemed silly to me to be paying this monthly fee during the slow times.

However, Andrew insisted we try it out. It’s only been a week since we began and turns out that using it is saving me tons of time and making things a lot less stressful. It’s been a “Super Duh!” moment! Sometimes, you have to get closer to something to see its value.

Sometimes on Facebook people will make the comment “too expensive”. People have perfectly valid opinions, but I never know if they really “get it” when they are making this off handed remark (that ruins my ad- yay).

It’s easy for me to take criticisms personally because my business is “me”, but I resolved this by turning it to a positive. After all, maybe people don’t realize that the bracelet tells a story. Maybe they don’t know it takes 40-60 hours to design a full story bracelet. Maybe they don’t even know I make each one by hand in Rochester, NY and things are not farmed out to be made cheaply in a foreign country.

So, now I direct them to the “Making Opera Bracelets Page”. I figure even if they don’t click on this link, maybe others viewing the ad will and they will read this background info which may affect their perception of my product’s value, turning a “ruined” ad into a bonus. Well, this is my theory anyway!

I invite you to check out the Making Opera Bracelets page to learn more about what goes into each piece. (Click here)

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