I Feel Insulted

I Feel Insulted

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 06 17 2014

‘New York's Metropolitan Opera have cancelled an international simulcast of John Adams' opera The Death of Klinghoffer due to "an outpouring of concern" that it "might be used to fan global anti-Semitism".’- The Guardian (read full article here)

It took me a while to process why I was so upset by this. I mean one opera more or less… whatever, right?

BUT. It has always been the role of opera to push the envelope and present ideas. The situations in opera make you THINK; they inspire you to learn more. Now, more than ever, with the use of social media, opera inspires discourse.

This particular opera is controversial because it presents BOTH SIDES of the story, not because it is anti-Semitic. I invite you to read a synopsis here: The Death of Klinghoffer-Wikipedia

I personally resent the insulting implication is that I (and all the international Met Live in HD) audience are so weak minded that seeing one opera will turn us all into raving Nazis. Opera is powerful but really- the arrogance!

I’m sure they had valid concerns and I’m sure they thought of them before putting it on the schedule. Having put it on the schedule they should have stood their ground - backing down is stomach churningly pathetic. They should have issued a statement about how they hoped viewing the piece would open the doors to conversation and discourse on difficult subjects in the world today, etc...

The Metropolitan Opera is supposed to MEAN something- right now it means: “We are a pack of weaklings who will sway whatever way the wind blows and we stand for absolutely nothing at all. We will openly insult our loyal worldwide Live in HD audience by intimating that they are not intelligent enough to draw their own conclusions about this opera.”

Imagine how many conversations might have begun in person and online across the world on that day. The potential not for what they feared, but for just a start in talking about issues vital in our society today. What a loss. 

NOTE: People are misunderstanding and thinking that it is my personal opinion that there are "two sides" to this tragedy. That wasn't my point or intention. It was rather, to state that this is what the librettist and composer are doing and the fact of their taking that point of view in the opera is controversial- hope this clarifies.