Life, opera and the internet

Life, opera and the internet

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 05 15 2014

You hear a lot about the internet making people less connected... stunting friendships and relationships. Personally, I haven’t found that to be the case. Maybe it’s just a symptom of my personality type, but I’ve found myself to be more connected than ever through social media and email…What have you noticed in your own life?

My own examples:

First of all, I suffer from severe… what would you call it… phone-o-phobia. I simply hate the darn telephone. I wouldn’t call even friends or close relatives unless I absolutely had to. But now that there is email and Facebook, I am much closer to friends and family alike. It’s great to be able to have quick chats and have a clue to what’s up in their lives. Social media is a wonderful way to share the adventures of life both large and small.

Also I’m… what’s the special PC word they use these days…“socially awkward”, shy, whatever . Emailing and messaging people has really opened up communication with professional people that I wouldn’t dare approach in public or networking settings. I mean, am I going to call up or walk up to Margaret Juntwait? Gulp-nope. But I’ve “talked to her” via email and Twitter.

I have no “in person” friends who like opera. My friends all thought I was utterly insane when I started Opera Bracelets. It has been really satisfying to “meet” people online who share my interest in opera, can answer questions and discuss ideas. Sure, it’s true, this level of friend won’t be close enough to nurse one through illness or attend one's funeral. Never the less, when I need help with a specific issue, I know who to turn to and where to go for help, advice and support; or just to chat about the recent Met Live in HD performance. The Met Live in HD Facebook Group is a particularly lively and welcoming bunch, always up for a discussion on any opera subject. I’ve also enjoyed joining in conversations about a live performance or broadcast on Twitter or participating in Opera America’s lectures online.

Anonymous angels. When I started Opera Bracelets I attended some local networking events. Silly me, I thought that business networking meant sharing ideas and discussing situations and solutions. What I found was a bunch of vampires that just wanted to get money or business off me in some way. Exchanging ideas – ha! But when you turn to social media or the internet with a problem or question about business, technology or opera, the generosity of really knowledgeable expert strangers is jaw dropping. People are very open with their experience and more than willing to help just out of... well, the goodness of their hearts.

So really, I believe technology has brought the world and more specifically the opera world, closer together than ever. How have you found technology to be affecting your life and relationships lately? If you’ve found some great online opera groups please share!