Opera Songs evoking winter beauty

Opera Songs evoking winter beauty

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 01 07 2025

Well, as much as we living in it complain about the snow, there is an enormous amount of beauty in it. No surprise then that so much music is inspired by a snowy situation. Hope you will enjoy a beautiful moment of snow, ice or frost, wherever you may be.

It’s a romantic moment on the snow covered rooftops of Paris when Rodolfo turns round from the window and discovers he’s fallen in love: “O soave Fanciulla...” - La boheme

Come February, two lovers agree to break up. But they think on this and decide they will stay together until spring. “I wish winter would last forever” (cue Kleenex please) - La boheme

Not necessarily snowy, but its December when the snow comes down and Werther and Charlotte acknowledge their love for each other. (with unfortunate consequences- still a powerful duet) - Werther

Puccini could not resist the romance of a good snow storm. Dick Johnson comes to visit Minnie and as their gentle love blossoms the delicate drifting snowflakes begin to fall. As they kiss and their passion grows the snow becomes more intense- all too soon the snow becomes a danger as the Sherriff tracks Dick by his bootprints and then blood in the snow. La Fanciulla del West I wish there were better clips fot this scene, but they are hard to come by.

Wally is determined to be with the man she loves. She tells her father she will run away to the mountains " the white snow and clouds of gold" rather than marry his preferred suitor. La Wally

The Frost Scene from Purcell’s King Arthur. A bit of a play within the opera... an allegory where love awakens everyone from winter. 

And not opera but can’t leave it out: “Winter" from Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons- so beautifully evocative!

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