Unpacking Opera Sponsoship

Unpacking Opera Sponsoship

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 09 09 2021

I’m so excited to be the season sponsor for the brilliant, entertaining and educational podcast Unpacking Opera!

FYI- A Podcast is like a radio show, only you can pull it up and listen to it any time you want.

The hosts for Unpacking Opera are young singers Emma Steiner and Cara Ellman. Their goal is to bring modern voices to the world of opera.

  • In synopsis episodes, they highlight an opera and synopsize it to make it more relatable, fun, or at the very least, understandable.
  • They also have informative interview episodes.
  • And you won’t want to miss their engaging After-Hours episodes featuring a guest and the “Synopsize an Opera in Under 2 minutes” game!

You’ll feel like you are part of an amazing party where everyone is chatting opera and welcoming you along. Hope you will enjoy trying it out. Click below to listen on Spotify OR subscribe wherever you like to listen to podcasts!

Listen on Spotify

Connect with Cara and Emma on Facebook to hear all about the episodes as they unroll!

Unpacking Opera's Facebook