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Part of the "Inspired by…" series, the "O Mio Babbino Caro" Bracelet is inspired by Puccini's comic one act opera Gianni Schicchi. A tale of opportunistic relatives circling a rich man's deathbed holds within it a sweet pair of lovers who actually get their happy ending, thanks to Gianni's scheming.
A flowered heart charm, glass flowers and leaves along with beads in spring colors represent the May wedding date of Lauretta and Rinuccio. Glass hearts evoke love. The ring charm evokes Lauretta’s determination to be wed. The birdcage and tiny bird beads symbolize the ploy which keeps her innocent of her father’s scheme to ensure his own and his daughter’s happiness.
All "Inspired By..." Series Bracelets come with a card that identifies the symbolism of the charms and colors used.