How should I spend my Summer Vacation?

How should I spend my Summer Vacation?

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 03 27 2014

The Night Music Bracelet

Business dilema...

Opera fans tend to be repeat customers, because they, of course, have many favorite operas they are passionate about. This doesn’t seem to work in the same way with customers who purchase the Phantom of the Opera or Les Miserables products.

While there was a lot of accusational demand for both Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables Bracelets (i.e. “How could you possibly NOT have…”), it has to be said, most customers who purchase these products never return. However, even though they are “one-off” purchases, their actual volume is considerable.

Leaving me wondering what direction to go in with regard to new product development. The decision to buy an Opera Bracelet is ordinarily based on a deep emotional attachment to the work in question. It is not clear to me whether someone passionate about Les Miserables would necessarily love any other musical work enough to buy a bracelet.

So, do I take the risk with a series based on musicals? Or do I stick to developing bracelets for operas such as Samson and Delilah, Orfeo and Eurydice, Tales of Hoffman, The Flying Dutchman, Falstaff, etc.? Time is a limited resource so I am openly asking what you think I should be working on this summer…