Make Opera Your Valentine 2014

Make Opera Your Valentine 2014

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 02 12 2014

I challenge you again to make OPERA your Valentine this year!heart

At Opera Bracelets we say our product is for fun loving, passionate opera fans. As such, I encourage you this Valentine’s Day to share a favorite opera love aria or duet on your own Facebook page or on Twitter, Pinterest or wherever you like to post things. Maybe you would rather send an email to your friends with the link.

BUT, this is the important thing: You have to tell why you LOVE it and give a short explanation of what is happening to the characters in the song. The goal is to give your friends who may not be familiar with opera a little sample of how it can rock your world!

Here’s mine: Violetta is a jaded Courtesan.. on top of that she doesn’t have long to live. An idealistic young man has proclaimed his love to her- “Love the mysterious force of the universe”. As the night melts into the dawn of a new day, Violetta ponders whether genuine romantic love is possible for her. (and lets face it, who can resist a dripping Zeffirelli on Valentine’s Day) 

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