Wow!! What I learned from Fulham Opera’s Ring Cycle

Wow!! What I learned from Fulham Opera’s Ring Cycle

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 02 26 2014

This weekend Fulham Opera completes their series of two full Wagner Ring Cycles which they have pulled off with 29 cast members, 4 directors, only 8 instrumentalists and just 6 crew. Now you may or may not be into Wagner but you have to admire the guts of a small opera company taking on a task this large.

When you think “Ring”, you think massive orchestras, lavish sets and special effects. But, I think walking into this you would know it was going to be different…more intimate. It didn’t need to be extravagant and it didn’t need to be perfect, it just needed to be a Ring and it just needed to be perfect for Fulham Opera. Having learned about their journey and watched some of their performances on YouTube, I couldn’t help but wish other small companies would stop thinking “Oh, we couldn’t possibly…” and instead, as Nike says: “Just Do it”, be it a Ring, a Butterfly, a Trovatore or something completely new!

As an aside, it is interesting to listen to the parred down music; you can really focus in on it!

Click to see the Wagner’s Ring Collection of bracelets

Related: I get a lot of my business and marketing know how from online coaches and webinars. There has been a particular theme going around: “When is the perfect time to… “ or alternately “when will I be ready to…” (start a business, launch a product, etc.).

The real truth is, you’ll never be ready and there’s no perfect time. You just have to get started. If you’re thinking “Oh, I couldn’t possibly…” that is EXACTLY the thing you should be doing, either as an individual or an opera company. The next time I think “I couldn’t possibly…”, I’m just going to think of Fulham Opera- if they can do a whole Ring what can’t I do?