
The Siegfried Opera Bracelet

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Celebrated by Wagner in soaring song, here is the most primeval tale of the dragon slayer, as the power of the man born free begins to rival that of the Gods. Wotan copes with the wheel of destiny rolling against his interests and yet helps it to do so. This opera touches our hearts as the impetuous teenager is guided by the evil, the good and nature. He learns of his origins; kills the beast; gains the treasure; grows up and saves his sleeping beauty. If only the story could stop right there, but then again, there's that curse.

Each bead and charm of the Siegfried Opera Bracelet represents a character or moment from the work. Some of the most important beads and charms are described below and you can see all of the symbolic descriptions on the spiral chart photo above or to the left. Also, a story chart explaining the symbolism of the beads and charms accompanies every bracelet. See the story chart below - click the upper right corner for a larger view.

  • Siegfried is a clear gold bead symbolizing his destiny to, in the end, redeem the world of the Ring’s curse.
  • Metallic shards represent the destruction of Nothung before it is forged anew.
  • Mime and Alberich the dwarves are represented by small oblong beads.
  • "The Wanderer" is symbolized by a blue cat's eye indicating the eye he has sacrificed for the world's knowledge.
  • Fafner is a faceted clear and green bead to evoke the dragon’s scales. Deep ruby red beads are the dragon heart and blood which impart Siegfried with the power of foresight and the ability to understand bird’s song.
  • The crackling blue disc is the breaking of Wotan’s spear and the large metal swirl bead is the Moment when the world’s power is shifted from that destined by the gods to that of free will.
  • Gold glass beads symbolize the Rheingold treasure and red and amber colored beads Brunnhilde’s protective fire. A silver star and lustrous red heart symbolize their illuminating love.

Charms on the bracelet are:

  • The Woodbird,
  • The Ring
  • Fafner the dragon
  • Nothung

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  • 5
    Siegfried is here!

    Posted by Patti B. on 01 19 2017

    I bought one of my own Christmas presents this year ... this bracelet. I'm wearing it as I type this ... the bracelet is beautifully handcrafted, love the meanings of the different colored beads, which catch the light and sparkle, and the "charms" are just perfect. It came quickly, and I absolutely love it.

  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on 12 12 2015


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