
Special Order Full Story Bracelets

abduction-spiral-chart.jpgSpecial order "Full Story" Opera Bracelets take 6-8 weeks to create. These bracelets wrap around the wrist approximately 4 times and include many larger beads and 4-7 charms. A story chart explaining the symbolism of the beads accompanies the bracelet.

Special order "Full Story" Bracelets are $112.00 plus a design fee of $150-$200 (depending upon the complexity of the libretto) and can only be created for works published PRIOR to 1923 due to copyright protection laws

The Process

  1. Once you email me with your request and we determine a price, a 50% deposit is required to begin work.
  2. You’ll provide me with any details that may be important to you or the recipient, such as “her costume was red so I want a red bead to represent her."
  3. I spend some weeks breaking down the libretto and developing the narrative bead chart (the one that folds up into the box).
  4. I source which beads and charms will symbolize characters, events and arias in the opera.
  5. You will receive a “bead plan”, along with the narrative bead chart, to review. This is the time to make sure I have captured all the moments that are particularly special to you and that you like all the beads chosen. Basically this is the time to make any changes.
  6. Once the design is finalized, I order the supplies that will be needed to make the bracelet. They take 1-2 weeks to arrive.
  7. I assemble the bracelet, probably multiple times to make sure charms lie comfortably for the wearer and don’t all gather in one spot.
  8. I create the narrative bead chart and the spiral chart. Photos are taken of the completed bracelet for you to review. Minor changes can be made at this point, but by now the bracelet is complete and ready for the balance to be paid. Then, it is shipped out and on its way to you!

    Email with your design idea

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