
The Rainbow Bridge Bracelet

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Made to order archived design 2-3 weeks for delivery! Beads and charms can become unavailable over time. All effort will be made to come as close as possible to the photographed design. Coupons do not apply.

"HEDA! Heda- HEDO!" I love that part!

The Rainbow Bridge Bracelet is inspired by the finale of Richard Wagner’s opera Das Rheingold. Donner gathers the clouds and strikes a thunderbolt with his hammer revealing the Rainbow Bridge. Froh the god of fertility invites his brethren to cross the bridge to get to their new home. Wotan names the golden roofed fortress Valhalla, a name never before heard.

I chose grey, purple and iridescent beads to represent the colors of storm clouds and rain. Sparking rainbow colored beads and crystals, evoke the magical bridge. Froh is symbolized by the magical sword which he gives away for love (in mythology. )A castle charm symbolizes the fortress palace of Valhalla while the hammer signify Donner.   

All "Inspired By..." Series Bracelets come with a card that identifies the symbolism of the charms and colors used.

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